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Time Description of itinerary and objects of visit
08:00 Departure from Kiev.
10:00 Arrival to Kozelets, visit of Nativity Cathedral In medieval times there was an amazing system of cities in Ukraine, especially the towns, which had individual lifestyle, high level of production, original culture. In such cities there were concentrated crafts, education was spread significantly, once could find real masterpieces among urban architectural monuments. Kozelets belongs to such towns. It became especially famous in connection with hetman Rozumovsky’s family. They knew a lot about music, theatre, art, architecture. Rozumovsky left special memory about him – an incomparable architectural monument of the Nativity Cathedral.
11:00 Transfer to Baturyn.
13:30 Excursion to Baturyn Baturin is the most striking landmark of Cossack era: since a long time the city was the residence of Hetmans, particularly, Ivan Mazepa, Pylyp Orlyk and Cyril Razumovskyi This unique reserve unites invaluable monuments of history, architecture, culture, archeology and nature: the palace and park ensemble of Kirill Razumovskyi, the house of judge Basil Kochubey the church-tomb of hetman Razumovskyi, "Kochubey" park and others.
16:30 Departure to Kiev.
19:30 Arrival to Kiev.


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